Hygienic feedback with Roidu’s Touchless Feedback device

Finavian vessassa palautetta kysytään Roidun Touchless feedback palautelaitteella

Study after study reveals the awful truth that people wash their hands after using a toilet a lot less frequently than they say they do and a lot less frequently that is necessary. Only a third of men and two thirds of women wash their hands before leaving the restroom. It has an enormous effect on the spread of bacteria as washing your hands properly with soap and water reduces the amount of bacteria on your hands to 8 percent of the original amount. Especially now during the flu season and a potential pandemic threatening population it would be highly recommendable to significantly reduce the risk of infection with a simple, but the most effective way by washing your hands. Of course, you can try to avoid coronavirus by not drinking Corona beer, but how about trying some more science-backed methods to decrease the risk of infection.

In many places, where hygiene is needed the most, like hospitals, health clinics and public restrooms, there’s still need to collect data on customer experience. Some solve the problem by sending customer satisfaction surveys to mobile phones. However, the data collected that way is not only more expensive, but you get less data and the data is often distorted and colored on the way. (Read more about why feedback devices are the smartest choice for measuring customer experience when the customer encounter is physical.) And in some cases, like with restrooms, it’s not possible or sensible to send a survey after the fact.

Hygienic feedback

Roidu’s latest feedback innovation enables giving hygienic feedback. You don’t have to touch the Touchless Feedback device to give feedback, but its sensors register the response as the customer holds their hand in front of the chosen response option. You can have 2-5 answer options that can be numbers or icons such as smiley faces. You can have several questions, the optimal amount being 1-3 so that the customers have the patience to answer all the follow-up questions. The feedback device can also be branded and designed according to customer wishes.

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Finavia, the finnish airport operator, uses Roidu Touchless Feedback devices in their restrooms. They are designed as beautiful works of art and – most importantly – enable giving hygienic feedback of the restroom cleanliness. They also have a real-time feedback system that is programmed to automatically alert a cleaner after a certain amount of negative feedback.

Roidu’s feedback solutions enable measuring customer experience in all places and forms. With Touchless Feedback device it’s now possible to collect hygienic feedback in places where it’s most needed. Roidu offers you the feedback solutions that suit you the best, be it with feedback devices, mobile or email surveys or website or application embedded customer satisfaction surveys. Read more about our turnkey service for measuring customer feedback.