Ensure the best customer experience and employee satisfaction

Manage operations based on the most important and current experience-based data

We are now trusted by over 400 customers from various industries

Get to know our customers’ success stories in measuring experience and leading with data. Roidu is trusted in, for example, healthcare, retail, transport and logistics.

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Jani Nurisalo, Esperi Care
  • 4000 Survey responses in 2021
  • 4.5 / 5 Average rating
  • + 0,7 Change of average in units
“The results improved on all measured areas. In the past, sending and retrieving queries was laborious and slow, and at worst, the result was already out of date when it arrived for analysis. The modern solution enables real-time monitoring and development of the customer experience”
Jani Nurisalo, Sales and Marketing Director
Esperi Care

‘Here is how we do it’ process description

Determine what you want to know

At this point, it is a good idea to ask questions such as the following: What does the customer think about our service? How can I best reach my customers? At what point of the customer journey do we need specific information about the customer? Should the information be collected continuously or within a specific time period?

Collecting information

Analysing the information

Reacting to the information

Ideally, information should be collected continuously. This helps address deviations and changes in the environment more effectively.

Practice what you preach

High customer satisfaction is extremely important to us. This NPS® meter is real-time and updates automatically when our customers respond to our customer survey. Read more about NPS score from our blog.

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